Today was yet another incredible day… Tintagel is beautiful. A few of us woke up this morning so that way we could take a jaunt around the cliffs before breakfast. Boy, did I earn that meal! The views were spectacular though. Truly unlike anything else I have ever seen. Breakfast was delightful, and that much more fantastic because of my hunger! A full English breakfast when you are starving? The best. Regrettably, I only seem to like baked beans for breakfast. Strange, yes… but delicious. After breakfast, we headed over to the ruins of Tintagel Castle (Din Tagell in Cornish), which was a fantastic opportunity for exploring the legendary place where King Arthur was conceived. Not sure how I feel about that part of the legend, but the ruins were beautiful, and climbing the cliffs with Kate was awesome. We do tend to be a bit more adventurous than some of the others in the group… I have given a few people heart attacks (sorry guys). But nothing too risky (remember, this is by my standards) and no injuries! After soaking in the views from the ruins, we left for Mount Saint Michael (the one in southern Cornwall, for the record. Not the French equivalent). Walking on the ocean floor to get there was pretty much extraordinary. The castle there was beautiful, as well. Tea was a nice way to wrap up the afternoon, and then when we walked back, I took off my shoes and walked in the Atlantic. I couldn’t help myself! And it was surprisingly warm- far warmer than I expected it to be. Thank you, Gulf Stream. I was the only one who partook in the barefoot frolicking, but I thought it was wonderful. I do love taking advantage of opportunities such as these. Really, when is the next time I will have this opportunity?
For dinner, we found this adorable little Italian place (incidentally called “The Olive Garden,” but not the chain of American fame) who conveniently let us get our food to takeaway (which is to go, for those off you who don’t speak British). There was a little confusion over silverware, because they call it cutlery over here, but we eventually sorted it out. Though I was tempted by the Aubergine (eggplant) Parmesan, I went with a four cheese pasta that was delicious. And what makes delicious Italian food better? Oh, maybe eating it while sitting on cliffs overlooking the Atlantic. The high tide meant that the ocean was making all sorts of beautiful sounds.
Right now, we’re hanging out in the lobby, listening to Steven play piano for us and mocking the owner of the hotel. It sounds rude, but you would get a kick out of him too. He’s a very passionate Scientologist. He has scattered his artwork (mostly large canvases that fit into the category of “Abstract Realism.” No worries if you haven’t heard of it because he invented it himself) around the castle. Literally every piece of art here is his, and art is EVERYWHERE. Unfortunate poetry is provided for our creative enlightenment, and there are several fake newspapers lauding the hotel and its owner in each room. He also has a book of his on each coffee table. It’s hysterical. Don’t get me wrong, I love the hotel itself. The owner just seems like quite the character, and we have the giggles tonight. We’ll be heading out again tonight it a few minutes. I just can’t get enough of the sea air- and the stars! Tomorrow, it’s back to London… after one more walk in Cornwall.

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