Just so you know: Prague is every bit as beautiful as they say. The architecture in Old Town is, simply put, breathtaking. It just doesn't look real. Some parts are a bit on the sketchy side, to be sure, but for the (general- ha!) most part it's really quite nice. The apartment I am in is surprisingly spacious, and I'm staying with some really awesome girls. I'm so excite about this adventure! We'll be rearranging furniture tomorrow, and then you guys will get to see pictures.
I did successfully make my way to my flight this afternoon, hooray! No mishaps. Someone helped me check in, and security was a breeze. I grabbed lunch, read, watched news on the BBC- it was all very relaxing. The flight was nice, and before I knew it, I was in Prague! It was shorter than flying home to Houston from school. The airport here is extremely easy to navigate. Almost all of the signs are in both English and Czech, which helped immensely. Immigration was unnervingly simple (no questions asked- I just handed off my passport and received my stamps!), and customs was a non-issue. I met up with the group and off we went! After settling in, we took a tour through town and grabbed a late dinner together (leek soup and goulash, yum)- and I was able to have tea with my dinner! I was quite pleased. I navigated back to the apartment- after 11, via tram- and now I'm starting to feel better and better about navigating in foreign countries, especially when I have a bit of good guidance to point me in the right direction. It is incredibly strange, though, to be in a world you don't understand. Everyone is speaking different languages, which is similar to London, but this is somehow different- probably because the most common language is no longer my own. You just want to sit back and shut your eyes and let the words wash over you... but then you would miss the beautiful architecture! And it wouldn't help you understand anything anyway. It's strange, being someplace where you understand virtually nothing. It's simultaneously overwhelming and freeing. As of right now, I think I kind of like it.
Also, some of you will be excited to know that there are plenty of Marcos here- ha!
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